The Illuminating Lens

Rovinj, Istria – Croatia and Slovenia Trip – Part 9 – 2023

I think Rovinj, Croatia is my favorite city of all those we visited on this trip.  We spent several days in and around this city.

I’m not sure if it was the longer time, the place we stayed, the food, the people, or the beautiful old city but something just clicked with me there!

Italy occupied this part of Croatia for many years so the Italian influences are many.  As we walked the streets of historic Rovinj, I could smell garlic cooking.  I have never been to Italy but I imagine that it would be similar to Rovinj.

Note:  All images were made with my Nikon Z8 and Nikon Z 24-200mm lens unless otherwise noted.

Sidewalk Cafe in Rovinj, Croatia.

This is another city sitting on a peninsula with the steeple of the cathedral dominating the scene.

The Old City of Rovinj as seen from the wharf.


Our first visit to the city was late afternoon into the night.  We wanted to get the classic image of the old city with its colorful buildings from both sides.

We walked through the lower section of Rovinj and out onto the long wharf to get the image above.  From the other side of the wharf I captured the “newer” part of the city.

“Newer” Rovinj from the Wharf.

I switched cameras and lenses and made a few Infrared photos.

Infrared – zoomed in to the waterfront of Rovinj. Nikon Z 6 (converted to 590nm IR) with Nikon Z 24-200mm lens. Post-processed to B&W.


We went back to the inland side to get a sunset shot of the peninsula.


Sunset over Rovinj.


We then ran back out to the wharf to get a night image!

Night in Rovinj, View from the wharf.


That night, after dinner, we almost finished off the bottle of Aura Limoncello that my friend purchased in Livade earlier that day (see Part 8)!  It was so good, I purchased a bottle at the duty-free shop on our way home!

Aura Limoncello – made in the Istria area of Croatia! It is SOOOO Good! iPhone 14 Pro Max


The next morning we packed up to move on but we decided to make a final visit to Rovinj and explore the old city a bit more.  The narrow streets were so beautiful!

In the historic old city of Rovinj!


One of the colorful streets of Rovinj! Feels somewhat Italian!


Along the sloping street.


We walked up the sloping streets to the top where the cathedral sits.  It was Sunday morning so mass was happening.

Mass at Church of St Euphemia.


I found an Aura store but it was closed!  ☹️

Aura store.

As I walked the streets near the water’s edge, I found all sorts of small scenes.

Daily pop-up shop.


A seat overlooking the sea.
Some “ART” from a very overexposed image!


As I walked back to our agreed-upon gathering point, I had to make a few more images of this amazing place!

Colors and a Couple of Scooters!


Balbo’s Arch – built in 1679.


We met up at the Hotel Rovinj for our final coffee break in this incredible city.

Sunday Morning entertainment at Hotel Rovinj.


We headed back to our vehicles as it was time to get to our next destination.

I very highly recommend a visit to Rovinj and the surrounding Istria area.  From the olive trees, truffles, brandies, and liqueurs, to the colorful landscapes. old ruins, wonderful food, and people, Rovinj and Istria are not to be missed!

My next post will be the last of this long and wonderful adventure.  We left Croatia and made our way to Slovenia!

To view larger versions of these images and many, many more and to purchase as prints or on other merchandise please visit my gallery: Rovinj

That is all for now!


Lynn Wiezycki

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