The Illuminating Lens

Šibenik, Primošten and Trogir – Croatia and Slovenia Trip – Part 4 – 2023

After spending a day at Plitvice National Park (Part 2) we drove to Šibenik for our first view of the Adriatic Sea coast!

The house we had rented was in Zečovo Rogozničko not too far from Šibenik.  We drove along narrow lanes (you have to back up if another car comes along) toward the water and when we found the house we were ecstatic!

The house was on a cove of the Adriatic Sea!  We had the bottom floor of the Villa Zrinka!

Note:  All the images below were made with my Nikon Z8 and the Nikon Z 24/200mm lens unless designated otherwise.

Villa Zrinka on the Adriatic Sea / iPhone 14 Pro Max


The view was amazing!

View from our balcony! / iPhone 14 Pro Max


Our first night was clear, so we set the tripods up on the balcony, and for a test, we used our iPhones on the tripods to see if we could make images of the Milky Way!

Milky Way from house balcony. that is the lighthouse on the horizon.  / iPhone 14 Pro Max


The iPhone is not quite as good as my Nikon Z8 but it did a surprisingly good job (with some post/processing magic)!

The second night we had a storm come up over the sea so we got a few of the lighthouse with the foreboding sky!

Storm Coming! Boats heading to the harbor as they pass Mulo Lighthouse


We visited the old city of Šibenik on our first afternoon in the area.  We walked the narrow streets and enjoyed the sights along the way.

Šibenik street.

I made my first of many Croatian cat images here!

Alley Guard Cat!

Stairs are part of getting around these coastal cities as they are built on islands, peninsulas, and cliffs.  We got our first taste of city steps in Šibenik.

A Street with Steps.

This stepped street had a railing!  Many of them did not!

I had to check out some of the bakery windows!

Baklava in Bakery Window iPhone 14 Pro Max


Some sort of sweets but very colorful! iPhone 14 Pro Max


The cathedral was open so we made a few images inside.

Cathedral of Saint Jacob

One of those things we learned about Croatia was that most homes had a washing machine but not a dryer so clothes were hanging all over the cities.

The Clothes Dryer!

As we headed back to the cars, we ran into a celebration on the plaza in front of a large building.  It was a wedding!  Kresimer, told us this was very traditional to parade outside with instruments playing and Croatian flags flying!

Wedding Celebration on the Plaza!

After our day at Krka National Park (Part 3) we headed for Primošten for dinner.  The best way to get a classic view of this peninsula city is to stop outside the city.  From an open area to the south of the city, I was able to get a view of the entire peninsula just as the sun was setting.

Primošten after sunset!

The city of Primošten is relatively small and by the time we made our way over there is was getting dark.  There are not many lights in these out cities so was only able to get one image of the church at the top of the city (yes, more stairs)!

Primošten cathedral after dark!


We went back to the house by the sea and were hit by a tremendous thunderstorm!  I wish we could have shot the lightning but it was raining so hard and the balcony was not covered!  Oh!  and the clothes that I had put on the drying rack, which every Croatian home seems to have, had blown all over the balcony!  Fortunately, we had arrived just before the rain started and I was able to gather the clothes all up and finish the drying on the rack inside!

The next day we packed up and headed south.  The next city we stopped at was Trogir.

This city is spread across a stretch of mainland and at least two islands.  There is a large waterway where there were some large boats/yachts docked.

Ferry and Yacht docked in Trogir.

The old city. on the island in the waterway, was filled with small shops and restaurants.

Restaurant kitchen!


As we walked around the streets I was drawn to the very worn and shiny stones paving the streets.

The stones were polished by millions of feet over the millennia!


I also began to notice some details.   All of these cities are a bit overwhelming so it took me a couple of days to start seeing the small things again!



Rose in a very small garden by a front door.


We were overdue for a Croatian coffee break so we headed to one of the beautiful outdoor cafes along the waterfront!  My friends had coffee and I had a Sprite!  I don’t like coffee and none of the cafes had chai lattes so I drank a lot of Sprite during this trip (Note: I never drink Sprinte at home!)

Cappuccino – My Friend’s – iPhone 14 Pro Max

After our coffee break, we headed back to the cars.  I saw an interesting window display so I had to make an image!

Not sure if these are relics or copies but they were interesting!


We were on our way to the most southern part of Croatia, Dubrovnik!  That will be the subject of my next blog!

Šibenik, Primošten, and Trogir are all beautiful old cities, each very unique but with that Croatian/Mediterranean feeling.  I highly recommend stops in all of these cities.  Spend some time and wander the streets!

To view larger versions of these images and many, many more and to purchase as prints or on other merchandise please visit my galleries:

Sibenik   Primosten  Trogir   Misc Croatia

That is all for now!



Lynn Wiezycki

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