After two days of waterfall hiking, I was ready for something flatter! Thankfully, we made the long and winding drive to Cataloochee Valley in Waynesville, North Carolina.
We hoped to see some elk as this area is known for its large elk herds. We were aware that it might be a bit late as the rut might be over but there are some old historic buildings there as well.
We got up early for the long drive to the valley. This drive is best done in a truck or SUV as the unpaved roads are not the best for cars! Although it can be done!
Our Visit
We arrived in Cataloochee Valley just before noon so we decided to take a break and eat our packed lunches. We parked at the location of some of the historic buildings, a barn, and a house.
After eating I pulled out my camera and started looking for some interesting things to shoot! All images were made with the Nikon Z7 with the Nikon 24-70mm Z lens unless otherwise specified.
While I was eating my eyes had been drawn to the trees on the mountain across the valley. There were no leaves left on them so the view lent itself to a graphic black-and-white image!

Although, there was one green pine tree in front of these stark trees that needed to be in color!

From the trees, I was pulled to the old barn. I carefully walked through the barn and up the steps to the loft where more graphic shapes pretty much whacked me in the head!

Once again the pine tree caught my attention!

From the barn, I walked over toward the old house with a quick stop on the bridge over the stream where I finally found some fall leaves!

As I walked up the boardwalk toward the house I got down low to make this image.

There were some interesting views inside the house as well as through the windows.

I am always looking for architectural details to shoot.

I converted many of these images to black and white as I felt the colors interfered with the graphic nature of the images.
From the house, we drove back down the one road to an area where there is an old church. This was my favorite spot for the day because the church was a subject-rich location but also because the trees surrounding the church, although leafless, were in the right spot as the sun was getting low in the sky as it shone through the mountain pass.

We just had to have some fun even though it was a church!

There were several hymnals and a bible on the pulpit and benches that made great subjects.

When I went back outside I realized that the surrounding trees were being even more lit up by the sinking sun. So I walked back toward the road to get a wider view.

At this point, I pulled out my iPhone 14 Pro Max and started doing some ICM and Multiple Exposures!

It was starting to get to be about the time that the elk should be coming into the valley from the surrounding forested mountains for their evening graze but we had not seen any. As we were busy shooting the light on the trees one of the other photographers in our group said to look behind us! As I turned around a cow elk and her calf came through the woods across the road. We all backed up close to our cars as these 2 and another cow walked across the road, between our cars, and proceeded to graze on the field in front of the church! Of course, I grabbed my D850 with the 200-500mm lens out of the vehicle and shot like crazy the whole time this was happening!

The three elk quickly grazed their way across the valley and went into the forest on the other side behind the church. It definitely appeared that the rut was over as there was not a bull elk in sight!
I made a few more images of the lit-up trees and we decided it was time to head back to our houses in Georgia!

One last fallish-looking image as we left the valley.

The mountain roads to get to this valley are unpaved and narrow but it is well worth the trip! If you visit in October, you will likely get to see a huge herd of elk as the males are in rut at that time and follow the herd down into the valley where it is easier to find willing females!
Click on any image to see a larger version OR visit my gallery to see and purchase prints and other items with these images: Gallery Link for Cataloochee Valley
Our next and last day of this adventure took us to more waterfalls, one of which is my favorite!
That is all for now!
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