Not far from the condo we rented in Cochiti, New Mexico for the week, was a truly unique place, Kasha-Ketuwe Tent Rocks National Monument. We got up early the first morning and headed over to the entrance.

The view above was what we saw from the trail just off the parking lot.
Jim said that the goal was to reach the 2nd from the right peak. I said I did not think I would be able to make it up there. But, I said I would go as far as I felt comfortable!

The trail was thru narrow and wide slots. The formations of Kasha-Ketuwe Tent Rocks around and above us were spectacular.

The initial trail was relatively flat with a barely noticeable increase in elevation.

There were a few boulders that needed to be climbed over and a few 2-4 foot areas to climb up. But the narrow slot canyons were very interesting and scary at the same time.

We kept zigging our way along the trail and then we got to a part that was a bit narrow and along the edge but it was not anything that was giving me a hard time. At a point where we could stop and be out of the way of those coming behind us, I turned to get a view of the formations.

These “tent rocks” were amazing. This is a place, like Yellowstone National Park, where you feel like you are on another planet! We continued up the trail.

Before I realized it, Jim said this is the point that we were looking at from the parking lot! I had actually made it to the end of the trail of Kasha-Ketuwe Tent Rocks!

So we now made our way back down! This was a bit of a challenge primarily due to the number of people that were coming up! Hot Air Balloon Fiesta week is not the best time to visit most of the attractions in this area. But we took advantage of the stops and the higher sun to get some more great shots.

Kasha-Ketuwe Tent Rocks National Monument is a must-see in New Mexico. But you must be able to make the climb up & over the rocks along the way. Even from the lower, flatter part, the formations are very photogenic and interesting.
I highly recommend Kasha-Ketuwe Tent Rocks. For these and additional images from this national monument, please check my gallery.
That is all for now. More posts on New Mexico coming soon!
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